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Molift Air 200 w/ 2pt sling bar (M)
Molift Air 200 w/ 2pt sling bar (M)
Molift Air 200 w/ 2pt sling bar (M)

Molift Air 200 w/ 2pt sling bar (M)

SKU: E-MOM26200

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General Information
- Mobile hoist for daily use (SWL 205 kg).
- Suitable for sitting, lying transfers, as well as standing and gait training.
- Suitable for use with Etac Molift ceiling hoist systems.
- Provides safety and comfort for both users and caregivers, reducing strain.
- Easy to install.
- Optional accessories available, such as In-Rail Charging (IRC), propulsion motor, and scale.
- Wide range of lifting slings and sling bars available.

Technical Information
- Safe Working Load (SWL): 205 kg
- Lifting strap maximum length: 300 cm
- Lifting height from: 475 mm
- Lifting height to: 3000 mm
- Lifting speed up/down: 0.6 m/s
- Manual transport: Yes
- Motorized transport: No
- Motor size (LxWxH): 36 x 19 x 19.5 cm
- Motor weight: 8.56 kg

Application Information
- Contract with Icelandic Health Insurance.
- Contract price 363,512 ISK incl. VAT.
- ISO 123612 90/91 Fixed hoists with manual/motorized transport.
- Apply via the Icelandic Health Insurance website: https://island.is/taeknileg-hjalpartaeki.
- Checklist for applications: https://island.is/taeknileg-hjalpartaeki/gatlistar-med-umsoknum.